Asbestos News Roundup – March

With asbestos in the news on a regular basis here in the UK, we’re starting a new, regular news roundup blog for asbestos.  Once a month, one of our blog posts will focus on some of the news stories coming out that deal with asbestos.  This is our second news roundup and, again, it would be interesting to know what you, the readers, think of the stories that feature here.  Please join in by adding your comments below the regular news roundup postings.

Asbestos Around The World

Here in the UK we’re lucky enough to have fairly stringent asbestos laws nowadays.  While in the past asbestos was used in proliferation, especially in the construction industry, the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 brought together several pieces of asbestos regulation in order to place a greater emphasis on training and increase the restrictions on the amount of exposure workers could be exposed to in the form of control limits.

The Duty To Manage Asbestos In The UK’s Housing Stock

Social housing is a umbrella term that refers to rental housing that is owned and managed by the state, by non profit organisations or a combination of the two in order to provide low cost housing for people in need of a home who either cannot, or choose not to, secure a mortgage and do not want to rent property on the private rental market. 

Asbestos – Even God Needs To Get It Removed

Asbestos needs dealing with – it’s something we’ve learned (many of us to our cost) over the past 30 years or so.  Back in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries asbestos was deemed the ideal material for use in construction projects because of its fire retardant properties.  It is also inexpensive and easy to use and has a high level of electrical resistance.

The Mesothelioma Act 2014 Explained

There was welcome news last week for victims of asbestos related mesothelioma in the UK – the government has increased the packages available for those who are unable to trace a liable former employer or an employer’s liability insurer from the £115,000 debated in the House of Commons in January.  This means that sufferers of the disease could be looking at compensation payouts averaging £123,000, ending years of injustice for around 3,500 victims and their families.  This will enable them to apply for compensation from a pot of £380 million from next month.

Asbestos News Roundup

With asbestos in the news on a regular basis here in the UK, we’re starting a new, regular news roundup blog for asbestos.  Once a month, one of our blog posts will focus on some of the news stories coming out that deal with asbestos.  This is our first news roundup and it would be interesting to know what you, the readers, think of the stories that feature here.  Please join in by adding your comments below the regular news roundup postings.

Where Does All The Asbestos Go?

Asbestos disposal is big business in the UK nowadays as we strive to get rid of the asbestos that exists in buildings constructed before the total ban on the substance in 1999.  Asbestos waste is not accepted at most of the local authority recycling centres in the UK and removal of asbestos waste should really be left to the professionals who are fully equipped and trained to handle this dangerous substance.  Some local authority waste disposal sites will accept private asbestos wa

Asbestos Alert – The New Magic Wand

Reports late last year revealed that researchers at the University of Hertfordshire have developed a new tool that can detect airborne asbestos on any worksite in real time without the need to send off samples to a laboratory for analysis.  This is good news for the construction industry and contractors all over the UK as the dangers of asbestos are still very real, despite the all out ban on asbestos use in the UK in 1999.

Help Wanted – An Asbestos Survey With A Difference

Scientists in the UK are calling for patients suffering from asbestos related mesothelioma and their families to come forward to help with vital clinical research.  There is a new survey that aims to promote better understanding of the diagnosis, care and treatment of people who suffer from the disease which has been dubbed the “hidden killer” by the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Asbestos – Who Should Pay The Costs?

Recent news reports reveal that there is a new bill in Scotland which aims to allow NHS Scotland to recover some of the costs of caring for people who have contracted industrial diseases such as fatal mesothelioma.  The Recovery of Medical Costs for Asbestos Diseases (Scotland) Bill has come about after years of campaigning by Clydesdale Action on Asbestos and Nationalist West of Scotland MSP, Stuart McMillan.